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57+ Free Image Gallery, Slideshow And Lightbox Solutions

A compilation of free image gallery scripts. All 3 popular genres are covered: JavaScript, CSS, and Flash based galleries.

Your Votes: 13 Yays  3 Nays

Web Development Project Estimator

A simple tool that lets web designers and developers quickly and thoroughly estimate the time and materials required for a proposed web project.

Your Votes: 18 Yays  4 Nays

Would You Buy A Logo From Walmart?

That's what's happening every day at certain websites that are offering "pre-designed" branding. Thoughts?

Your Votes: 2 Yays  27 Nays

45 Sites, Free Icons And PSD Resources For Web-Design

A nice list of free icons, graphics, and psd related goodies from around the web.

Your Votes: 12 Yays  1 Nays

7 Great Podcasts for Web Designers

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a student just diving in to the web design field, audio podcasts are a great way to learn about new techniques.

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Build a Tabbed Box with CSS and jQuery

In this article you'll learn how to create attractive tabs that toggle content using Photoshop and jQuery.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  7 Nays

CSS3: Embedding a Font Face

Want to get away from using just ‘web safe’ fonts to create attractive headers AND do it without using an image? Use CSS 3 and embed a font-face!

Your Votes: 10 Yays  6 Nays

30 Excellent CSS Based Navigation and Buttons

CSS menus are an integral part of many successful designs. 30 excellent tutorials on creating various styles of CSS menus.

Your Votes: 10 Yays  8 Nays

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